A selection of our new Science Fiction,Fantasy, Game and Film/Series paperbacks
11th April 2024
The Intergalactic Book Recycling Company
WARNING ........ WARNING you are entering the realm of Magic Galaxies, The Intergalactic Book Recycling Company.
Reality is slowly seeping away, you are drifting in a golden haze you are entering the realm of FANTASY YOUR ONLY DEFENCE IS THE BOUNDARY OF YOUR IMAGINATION.
A world where reality knows no boundaries. A world that exists in the realm of chaos and in the realm of order. A world where the art of magic coexists with the art of technology.A world where you, the fan, rule supreme. A world where you are only limited by the bounds of the imagination.
Our mission is to bring science fiction and fantasy books out of the dark, dusty corner of second hand book stores. To preserve and circulate the grand old masters and out of print books. To import new books on Fantasy Art and Science Fiction Film/Tv-series that are not widely available here.
Role playing game books as Dungeons & Dragons, Forgotten Realms, Warhammer etc. also have a prominent place in our collection.
- See more at: http://www.deboekenmarktophetspui.org/index.php/nl/de-boekhandelaren/115-antiquariaat-magic-galexies#sthash.M44b3Oqu.dpuf
If we can't get them second hand, we get them new! Imported from England or the USA: Philip K. Dick, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter (also special editions), Warcraft, Stephen King, Star Wars, Star Trek, Supernatural, Outlander, the newest Film Tie-ins, Our selection keeps changing...
We have a large selection of fantasy paperbacks from the 60-s to today, also series, tradeback and hardback formats.
We have a large selection of old, rare, obscure, hard to find science fiction paperbacks arranged in alphabetical order in boxes...
We try always to get the latest of Art books on Fantasy, Game, Concept Art, Steampunk, How to Draw Fantasy Art, Manga...